Rothgangel, Martin & Pirner, ManfredL.:Editorial 1

Part 1: Digital (Corona-) teaching: experienced, tested, evaluated

Mirjam Zimmermann, Karlo Meyer, David Käbisch, Moritz Emmelmann, & Susanne Schwarz: Introduction to the topic section: Digital (Corona-) Teaching: experienced, tested, evaluated 2

Silja Leinung, Antonia Lüdtke & Uta Pohl-Patalong: Digital teaching formats in the Corona Semester - A cartography 5

Claudia Gärtner, Anna Hans, Lena Tacke & Anika Thanscheidt: Successfully networked? About Opportunities, hurdles and conditions for success of digital teaching in religious education18

Andrea Dietzsch: The relationship between teachers and learners in religious education - significance for learning and impulses for digital religious education 34

Michael Waltemathe: Digitality, Contingency and Religious Education 50

Antje Roggenkamp: Theologizing with Digitorials - Observations using the example of digital confirmation classes 63

Stefanie Pfister & Matthias Roser: Digital religious education studies without resonance? 83

Part 2: Research and discourse

Hanna Roose: How school practice undermines religious education programs. A complexity-sensitive view of (organizational models of) religious education 93

Tanja Gojny, Susanne Schwarz & Ulrike Witten: The contents of religious education under scrutiny - a multi-perspective approach to a basic question of religious education 112

Steffi Fabricius: Died for us? "Graphic narratives" to open up soteriological-christological discourses in religious education 132

Kai Horstmann: Religion at school. On the relationship between teaching and pastoral care152

Jan-Hendrik Herbst & Andreas Menne: Vox populi, vox dei? Theoretical evidence for religious education in populist times 167

Christina Schachtner: Digital Media, Church and Religion. Traditional and new resonance systems from the perspective of the young generation 183

Sebastian Röhl & Manfred L. Pirner: Called to the Teaching Profession - Relationships between Vocational Perception, Self-Regulation and Motivational Orientations in Teachers of Evangelically Oriented Schools 197

Tanja Gojny:Perspectives of Headmasters on School Services and Multi-religious School Celebrations 218

Margit Stein & Veronika Zimmer: Concepts of friendship of young Christians andMuslim* women - (religious) value systems in friendships 239

Antje Roggenkamp: Attitudes, beliefs and strategies of prospective religion teachers in Christian-Muslim dialogue. Exemplary approaches to controversial topics 274

Katharina Welling: Dialogical learning in the teacher training program of Catholic theology. Empirical studies on the implementation of Scriptural Reasoning 300

Part 3:Reviews

Martin Schreiner: Inclusive Religious Education Studies of Diversity - Decision as a Target Horizon of RE - Bible Worlds - Confessional Gap - Remembering the Holocaust in RE - Religious Education at the Elementary school Level - Plurality of Protestant Schools - Is Religion possible without theology? - No Bible ...
References to interesting new publications in the field of religious education 322

Part 4: Conferences

"Theo-Web-Pinboard" - Conference Announcements   358